Transformation Support Strategy

An in depth overview of the Performance Review Commission's (PRC) transformation support strategy.

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To meet the challenges of the future, the successful and targeted deployment of agreed transformation steps is required. These priorities build on the ATM Master Plan and supporting pan-European strategies like the Green Deal. The political and strategic drivers require a fundamental implementation of a set of proposed changes to accommodate airspace users’ needs as well as meet societal expectations on the sustainability front. Achieving the required political goal of higher levels of performance across all key performance areas entails a deliberate transformation of the system.

This key transformation will be supported by the EUROCONTROL Performance Review Commission (PRC) which, in close collaboration with key stakeholders, will independently monitor whether performance ambitions have been met.

PRC Transformation Support Strategy


Delivering priority change actions that support and follow the transformation of the pan-European Air Navigation System.

Independent monitoring and communication on the success of major contributors and game changers will provide a level playing-field and ensure transparency for political and strategic decision-making, and will ultimately drive the required pan-European system change. A higherperforming European Air Navigation System (ANS) will benefit airspace users and the public – both travelling and non-travelling – alike.

PRC Transformation Support Strategy

The successful implementation of novel and transformative concepts, and associated technological enablers, will accelerate the achievement of higher performance levels.

The transformation of Europe’s ANS will reduce constraints on airspace users, providing them with higher flexibility and enabling more environmentally friendly operations. These achievements will be measured across the spectrum of air navigation service provision, concepts, and enablers.

The EUROCONTROL PRC Transformation Support Strategy and its action plan will be regularly refined in consultation with key stakeholders. Prioritising change initiatives will ensure continual progression. The implementation will provide evidence of the achieved performance benefits, highlight the key enablers for deploying the change initiatives, as well as identify any potential blocking points.


The PRC aims to identify flagship projects, monitor their performance over time, help stakeholders understand the challenges involved in implementing these innovative transformational projects and the resulting benefits, and thus stimulate and encourage improvements in ATM.

In order to involve key stakeholders in this process, in February 2023 the PRC, together with the Florence School of Regulation Transport Area, hosted a first workshop entitled “In search of flagships for ATM transformation”. In this workshop a series of disruptive, innovative and potentially scalable flagships were identified pertaining to virtual centres, optimal routing, time- and distance-based separation, remote towers and airport operation centres.

In November 2023, the PRC organised a second workshop entitled “ATM transformation flagships – continuing the journey” with the aim to determine more precisely each flagship´s impact on performance, identify the factors preventing flagships from delivering their full result and identifying new possible flagships.

The two policy briefs summarise the main takeaways from both workshops.