Taxi-time planning values

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Data description

Using data received directly from airlines, EUROCONTROL CODA (Central office for Delay Analysis) provides seasonal taxi time statistics for both the IATA Winter Season and the IATA summer seasons.

These taxi times are calculated using the airline reported actual off-block time (AOBT), actual take-off time (ATOT), actual landing time (ALDT) and actual in-block time (AIBT) providing the aviation community with seasonal benchmark values. Furthermore for additional granularity, taxi-out times by wake turbulence category are also offered for a number of airports. See the EUROCONTROL Specification for Operational ANS Performance Monitoring - Air Transport Operator Data Flow (AODF) for a full description and overview of operational data items (incl. AOBT, ATOT, ALDT & AIBT) collected from airlines.

Column naming and types

Coumn Name Data Source Label Column description Example
IATA Season AIU/CODA IATA Season S for summer covering 31 weeks starting the last Sunday of March. W for winter covering 21 weeks starting the last Sunday of October. The suffix is composed of the last two digits of the year in which the IATA season started. e.g. S21: IATA summer season covering 28 March 2021 - 30 October 2021. W20: IATA winter season covering 25 October 2020 - 27 March 2021. S21
ICAO Network Manager ICAO ICAO 4-letter airport designator EGLL
IATA Network Manager IATA IATA 3-letter airport designator LHR
Airport Name Network Manager Airport Name Airport name LONDON/HEATHROW
Wake Turbulence Category Network Manager Wake Turbulence Category Wake turbulence category M
Mean TXI (Mins) AIU/CODA Mean TXI (Mins) The mean taxi-in time in minutes of the observed flights. 5,3
Mean TXO (Mins) AIU/CODA Mean TXO (Mins) The mean taxi-in time in minutes of the observed flights. 7,6
Standard Deviation AIU/CODA Standard Deviation The Standard Deviation in minutes of the observed taxi-times. 4,7
10th Pctl AIU/CODA 10th Pctl The 10th percentile in minutes of the observed taxi-times. 4
Median AIU/CODA Median The median in minutes of the observed taxi-times. 7
90th Pctl AIU/CODA 90th Pctl The 90th percentile in minutes of the observed taxi-times. 13

Calculated Field(s)

Taxi-Out: airline reported actual take-off time (ATOT) - actual off-block time (AOBT)

Taxi-in: airline reported actual in-block time (AIBT)- actual landing time (ALDT)

Applied filters

Extreme outliers (taxi-in exceeding 120 minutes and taxi-out exceeding 180 minutes) are excluded from the calculation. Only airports with at least 100 observations during the reporting period are listed.

The taxi-time report is based on the following 3 wake turbulence categories: M (medium), H (heavy) or J (super) with aircraft in wake turbulence category L (light) not taken in to account.

  • L: aircraft with a maximum certified take off mass of 7000 kg or less.
  • M: with a maximum certified take off mass of less than 136000 kg but more than 7000 kg.
  • H: aircraft with a maximum certified take off mass of less than 560000kg but more than 136000 kg.
  • J: aircraft with a maximum certified take off mass of 560000kg or more.