Continuous climb and descent Dataset

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Data description

This data provides the results of the analysis of vertical flight profiles during climb and descent at airports. The methodology is desto measure and observe vertical flight efficiency without highlighting specific reasons for the observed behaviour. More detailed case studies are needed to find out reasons for particular observations.


The methodology being applied for the characterisation of CCO/CDO is described in the relevant methodology page .

Column naming and types

Column name/ Label Data source Column description Example
YEAR Network Manager Reference year 2022
MONTH_NUM Network Manager Month (numeric) 7
MONTH_MON Network Manager Month (3-letter code) JUL
APT_ICAO Network Manager ICAO 4-letter airport designator LSZH
APT_NAME PRU Airport name Zurich
STATE_NAME PRU Name of the country in which the airport is located Switzerland
NBR_FLIGHTS_DESCENT PRU Number of arriving flights 10432
TOT_DIST_LEVEL_NM_DESCENT PRU Total distance flown level during descent in nautical miles 203802,4208
TOT_DIST_LEVEL_NM_DESCENT_BELOW_7000 PRU Total distance flown level during descent below FL075 in nautical miles 14765,26111
TOT_TIME_LEVEL_SECONDS_DESCENT PRU Total time flown level during descent in seconds 2040956
TOT_TIME_LEVEL_SECONDS_DESCENT_BELOW_7000 PRU Total time flown level during descent below FL075 in seconds 253536
MEDIAN_CDO_ALT PRU Median CDO altitude in feet 12971
NBR_CDO_FLIGHTS PRU Number of flights that are considered CDO during the whole descent (and don’t have any considered level flight) 1566
NBR_CDO_FLIGHTS_BELOW_7000 PRU Number of flights that are considered CDO below FL075 (and don’t have any considered level flight below FL075) 7025
TOT_DELTA_CO2_KG_DESCENT PRU Total delta of CO2 (kg) resulting from the time flown level in descent 1010038
TOT_DELTA_CO2_KG_DESCENT_BELOW_7000 PRU Total delta of CO2 (kg) resulting from the time flown level below FL075 in descent 183396
NBR_FLIGHTS_CLIMB PRU Number of departing flights 10435
TOT_DIST_LEVEL_NM_CLIMB PRU Total distance flown level during climb in nautical miles 86163,75887
TOT_DIST_LEVEL_NM_CLIMB_BELOW_10000 PRU Total distance flown level during climb below FL105 in nautical miles 641,4472257
TOT_TIME_LEVEL_SECONDS_CLIMB PRU Total time flown level during climb in seconds 709589
TOT_TIME_LEVEL_SECONDS_CLIMB_BELOW_10000 PRU Total time flown level during climb below FL105 in seconds 9180
MEDIAN_CCO_ALT PRU Median CCO altitude in feet 32006
NBR_CCO_FLIGHTS PRU Number of flights that are considered CCO during the whole climb (and don’t have any considered level flight) 6028
NBR_CCO_FLIGHTS_BELOW_10000 PRU Number of flights that are considered CCO below FL105 (and don’t have any considered level flight below FL105) 10262
TOT_DELTA_CO2_KG_CLIMB PRU Total delta of CO2 (kg) resulting from the time flown level in climb 125346
TOT_DELTA_CO2_KG_CLIMB_BELOW_10000 PRU Total delta of CO2 (kg) resulting from the time flown level below FL105 in climb 4601
AIRPORT_NAME PRU airport name and ICAO code Frankfurt (EDDF)