There are a number of indicators measuring the level of flight disruptions in the Network.
On the dashboard, the percentage of operated schedules is shown. It corresponds to the % of airline schedules that match to an operated flight (with ATC flight plan) compared to the total number of expected flights. Conversely, the percentage of non-operated schedules corresponds to the % or airline schedules that do NOT match to an operated flight (with ATC flight plan) compared to the total number of expected flights.
Flight schedules information (covering all market segments) is loaded every day including data for the ongoing date and next two days. If a flight plan and a flight schedule fulfil multiple conditions (slot times, airports and callsign) they will be matched. The indicator is calculated making use of the total number of matched flight plans and schedules that were not related to any flight plan for the selected period. The schedule information consists of data received from EUACA and third parties.
The % of non-operated schedules is not to be confused with:
Flight cancellations related to Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 which are typically reported by airlines and which relate to passenger flights only. Airlines are required to compensate a passenger for a cancelled flight if the passenger was notified less than 14 days before the original scheduled departure date.
Operational flight cancellations within the context of the Single European Sky (SES) Performance Scheme. These relate to tactical flight cancellations (i.e. essentially during the last 24h before the schedule time for all market segments) for flights that received an airport slot. For more information, see also Sections 8 and 17 in the CODA 2019 Digest .