AIU Airport Performance Dashboard
Consolidated monthly overview of operational performance at European airports across a wide spectrum of indicators.
Daily Traffic Variation Dashboard
Monitor the daily traffic variation at major European airports.
CCO and CDO Overview
Explore the vertical flight efficiency during continuous climb (CCO) and descent (CDO) operations.
Additional ASMA time
Find out more about the efficiency in the Arrival Sequencing and Metering Area (ASMA) around airports.
Taxi-time planning values
Taxi time planning values, by IATA season for airline schedulers.
MIRROR - Operational Decision Support Tool
Check out the innovative tool that helps stakeholders predict and mitigate delays.
Active and Inactive Aircraft at Airports
See how many aircraft are parked across European airports.
EUROCONTROL airport corner
Get information on airport infrastructure and ongoing and planned activities.
EUROCONTROL airport network integration
Learn how EUROCONTROL helps to better integrate airports in the ATM network.