Airport Collaborative Decision-Making (A-CDM
describes different terms for OBT:
- SOBT (Scheduled Off Block Time)
: The time that an aircraft is scheduled
to depart from the parking position.
- EOBT (Estimated Off Block Time)
: The estimated
time that an aircraft will start movement associated with departure.
- TOBT (Target Off Block Time)
: The time that an
aircraft Operator or Ground handler estimates that an aircraft will be
ready to startup/pushback immediately upon reception of clearance from the tower.
- TSAT (Target Start Up Approval Time): The time provided by ATC taking into
account TOBT, CTOT and/or the traffic situation that an aircraft can expect start up/push back approval.
- AOBT (Actual Off Block Time)
: The time the aircraft pushes back/vacates
parking position.
See Also