This portal is designed and built using the following principles:
This website is a statically generated one: there is no CMS, no database, no authorization server behind it. It is just a bunch of HTML pages. These pages are generate by Hugo either out of plain Markdown or R Markdown.
Hugo is a static site generator, i.e. it takes a description, generally a template, of the pages you want to build and generates the relevant HTML.
We use git as our (distributed) version control system. And we selected GitHub as the central server for our git repositories.
In order to group all our repositories we created a
GitHub Organizations
called euctrl-pru
. It is a sort of company/team account.
We have one repository for the source pages, portal, where you can find and follow all we publish.
Once we submit a change to the (master branch of the) portal
triggers a build of the website and publishes it.
We use the continuos integration service of Netlify to automatically
build every commit in our release branch (any branch name starting with
2016<2 digit month number>-release
). These build can include tests to be
executed in order to garantee a certain level of quality…
build every master
branch commit and if successful deploy the generated site.
This is a way to publish our releases and make them available on the Internet.
(Less work for the Humans more boring work for the Machines)